KENSTON Business GmbH
Königsallee 80
40212 Dusseldorf / Germany
P +49 211 730 67 58 – 0
F +49 211 730 67 58 – 50
Authorized managing directors:
Sebastian Uckermann
Patrick Drees
Markus Kraetschmer
Register court:
Local court Dusseldorf
Registration number: HRB 100326
VAT-Number according § 27a Sales Tax Law:
Professional liability insurance:
Insurer: ERGO Versicherung Aktiengesellschaft (Anschrift: Victoriaplatz 1, 40477 Düsseldorf)
Insurance policy number: HV-SV 71771242.0-00334-3656
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Sebastian Uckermann
Liability for contents and links:
Despite the most careful preparation of the present Internet pages, we cannot assume any liability for the correctness, topicality and completeness of the contents.
In accordance with the regulations of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty and the Telecommunications Act, we as providers of these pages are primarily responsible for our own content. In cases in which third-party information is transmitted or presented via our pages, we are not obliged to check this information for correctness, topicality, completeness or even for indications of an illegal act, expression or use of third-party rights.
In the event of an illegal use of information, pictures or illustrations, we undertake to remove them from our pages immediately after becoming aware of the circumstances giving rise to such use.
If our website contains links to third-party websites, we also accept no liability for the content presented there. The contents displayed or offered for download cannot be permanently monitored by us beyond the time of linking; if we become aware of offers of illegal contents on these pages, the link will be removed from our Internet pages immediately.
Own copyrights:
With regard to all contributions, illustrations and the like created by us, we reserve the copyright protection. The use and creation of copies or the download of information from these Internet pages is only permitted with the consent of the original creators – as the owners of the copyright.
Sending of advertising:
Unsolicited sending of postal or electronic advertising via the address data given in the imprint is undesirable!
Legal validity:
If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.